Sleep well to live well
Our ceiling fans make your rest a reality.
Looking after yourself starts with closing your eyes. Quality of rest completely determines our mental and physical health. Not sleeping well affects your mood, weakens your immune system, and increases your risk of heart disease. But we've got some good news:
Our ceiling fans will be a before and after point concerning your rest.
Repels mosquitoes
Reduces temperature up to 6ºC
Does not irritate mucous membranes
Avoids colds
It doesn’t dry the environment

Reduces temperature up to 6ºC
Cooler summer nights
With our ceiling fans the thermal sensation is reduced up to 6ºC. Almost all of them are programmable, so you can set what time you want it to run until without having to wake up to turn it off. Yep, you can have a deep sleep even on those summer nights when the heat is stifling.

Avoids colds
Ceiling fans continuously renew the air, do not alter the humidity of the room, do not dry the atmosphere and prevent irritation of the skin, eyes and throat. You’ll be able to bid goodbye to colds that usually occur when the room is not properly climatised at night or when exposed to sudden changes in temperature.

Don’t let anything wake you
To ensure a good rest silence is essential. Most of our fans have a DC motor, which enables them to rotate at different speeds with hardly any sound. On top of that, the air current will scare away mosquitoes, so their annoying buzzing will not interrupt your sleep.