Coffee Panacota

Realizada porCREATE
There's nothing easier than making a dessert that only takes 15 minutes of your cooking time. This coffee panacota will become your new favourite.
Servings 4 people
Prep Time8 hrs
Tiempo de cocinado15 mins

Productos con los que prepararla


  • Half a litre of liquid cooking cream (not necessarily whipping cream)
  • 6 sheets of neutral gelatine
  • 150 ml of coffee prepared with soluble coffee or black espresso coffee
  • 2 to 3 tablespoons sugar (to taste)


  • Hydrate the gelatine leaves in a little cold water.
  • We prepare the coffee to taste, with soluble coffee or espresso. It can never be more than 150 ml.
  • Mix the cream with the sugar and coffee in the blender jug.
  • Then add the gelatine, hydrated in water and well drained, and mix again in the blender.
  • We are going to heat the mixture in the microwave for a couple of minutes so that the gelatine takes effect. A mixture with gelatine should never boil, but it must be very hot for the dessert to set well. After heating the mixture, mix it again with a whisk so that everything is well integrated.
  • After that, we can pour the mixture into moulds. Just leave it to cool for a few hours in the fridge until it sets. The panna cotta should be set but ‘shaky’, so unmould carefully so that it doesn’t break.
  • Serve with caramel syrups or melted chocolate on top.

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