KIMBAP (Sushi rice)

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Are you ready for an Asian themed night with your friends? With this recipe for sushi rice, you’ll be able to prepare all kinds of sushi; from makis to nigiris and onigiris. But you’ll also be able to prepare this Korean sushi delicacy called Kimbap.
Servings 4 rolls
Prep Time40 mins

Productos con los que prepararla



  • 1,5 chávena de arroz de sushi
  • 2 chávenas de água
  • ¼ de chávena de vinagre de arroz (ou misturar vinagre branco, açúcar e sal na proporção de 3:2:1)


  • 300 g de salmão fumado
  • 2 cenouras médias
  • 1 pepino
  • 60 ml de molho de soja
  • 4 folhas de alga nori
  • 4 ovos
  • Óleo de sésamo
  • Sal
  • Azeite



  • Add the rice to the rice cooker bowl, cover with water and wash it 2-3 times with your hands. Be careful not to over-clean so the water becomes transparent.
  • Pour away the water you used to wash and add the two cups of water to the rice cooker.
  • Set to “Quick cook” mode.
  • When it has finished cooking, we recommend transferring it to a wooden bowl and leaving to cool.
  • Once cooled, add 1 tablespoon of vinegar per cup of rice. In this case, for our ratio of 1.5 cups of rice, we’ll add 2 tablespoons of vinegar.


  • Start by cutting the carrots into thin strips and stir frying them for 2 minutes.
  • Making the most of the hot pan, prepare a thin omelette with the eggs and cut it into strips.
  • Do the same with the cucumber.

How to roll the sushi

  • Get your sushi mat ready. We recommend wrapping it in cling film to make the process easier.
  • When creating your Kimbap with the fillings you have prepared, it’s best to have everything within reach because it will make working all that easier.
  • Lay the nori sheet on the mat. Place a thin layer of rice on the nori and squash it with your fingertips after dipping them in water to create an even layer on the nori. Leave a small gap on the edge so you can close the roll nicely later.
  • Then add a little of each filling on the roll. Be careful not to overload it because that will make closing the roll harder.
  • Finally, use a brush to paint the rolls with a bit of sesame oil. Cut them with a sharp knife dipped in water into pieces about a finger thick. That’s it! Enjoy this wonderful Korean dish from your kitchen.

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