Cream of spinach and poached egg

Realizada porCREATE
We all know that spinach is a source of very positive properties for our organism, so this cream is a super healthy and tasty option at the same time. It is one of my favourite dishes and with the poached egg it is a very complete dish. Try it and you will be surprised by the combination.
Servings 6 personas
Tiempo de cocinado42 mins

Productos con los que prepararla


  • 1 clove Garlic
  • 80 g Onion
  • 80 g Leek
  • 45 g Extra virgin olive oil
  • 400 g Cooked spinach
  • 110 g Potatoes
  • 250 g Water
  • Salt (pepper and cumin)
  • 40 g Evaporated milk
  • 40 g Grated Parmesan cheese


How to prepare the Spinach cream

  • Quarter the onion and slice the leek. Use the knife accessory. Put the garlic, onion, leek and oil into the Chefbot jar. Blend on speed 5 for 15 seconds.
  • Use a spatula to scrape the residue off the walls. Continue with the blade accessory. Fry for 8 minutes on level 1 at a temperature of 120º C.
  • Cut the spinach and potatoes into small pieces. Continue with the blade accessories. Add the spinach, potatoes and water to the Chefbot cup with the roasted vegetables. Season with salt and pepper and add the ground cumin. Cook for 25 minutes on speed 1 at a temperature of 100º C.
  • uncover. Continue with the blade. Add the condensed milk and Parmesan cheese. Programme on speed 6 for 50 seconds.
  • Scrape the residue off the walls with a spatula. Continue with the blade accessory. Programme on level 10 for 20 seconds.

How to prepare poached Egg

  • To make it easier, use a glass as a container. Cut a piece of cling film larger than the glass so that you can wrap the egg. Grease the centre of the cling film with olive oil and place inside the glass. Crack the egg, place on the cling film inside the glass. Chop the bacon and place on top of the egg. Close the bag by twisting the ends together. Close with a knot or with tweezers. Make as many sacks as you are going to put in the eggs.
  • Put a pan with water on the stove. When it starts to boil, place the sachets with the eggs. Cook for 8 minutes. Remove the bags and immerse in ice water.

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